Off-the-shelf Crystal Reports

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MRP Requirements

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Off-the-shelf Crystal Reports

Our Crystal Reports represent a wide variety of functions to assist in managing the day-to-day operation of your company. All reports are listed by group with a brief description of capability. One general theme is maintained throughout:

Dates indicate the system will prompt for 1 or 2 dates. I.e. The system will limit the search for items between the dates.

Detailed output is the complete listing of all items.                (Every item on every order or part selected) 

Summary output is one line per order or part number.           (Sum all items on each order or part selected)

Total output is one line only containing the sum of all items.  (Sum all lines on all orders or parts selected) 

Examples of actual reports. All examples use old test data and do not reflect active database conditions.

Click here for a "Shipped and not Invoiced" example.
Click here for a "Shipped Summary" example.

All off-the-shelf and custom reports are shipped on CD in Crystal Reports Version 7, 8.5 or 11 and are upward compatible. All 8.5 reports use ODBC technology pointing to "MAXDAT" database. All MAX 5.0 reports use Crystal 11 and point to SQL Exact MAX database. Quantities of 5 reports or less can be E-Mailed via the internet. Greater than 5 reports can be transferred to our FTP sub account for customer access. To the best of my knowledge none of these reports duplicate standard MAX reports.

We can also generate custom reports or simply modify an existing report for your special needs. All custom reports will be quoted on a per report bases. All quotes include report specification and signoff before report construction begins.
Click here to review our custom crystal report page.

Click here for a word document list all of the reports below for later review. After download, please click "Enable Editing" to view in normal mode.

We have over 225 time tested off-the-shelf reports available for the departments listed below. After selecting a department, click on a report name to view the actual report detail. Keep in mind, all examples use old test data and do not reflect active database conditions. All report examples are in PDF format. The 1st example viewed will take about 10-15 seconds to display due to accessing the PDF viewer. Subsequent examples are much faster.

The cost for an individual report is $50. The cost for all reports in a group is specified with the group heading. If the complete lot of over 225 reports is purchased at one time the cost is $2,000 or about $8.88 each. All prices are in US dollars.


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To discuss off-the-shelf reports please contact us at:
Phone:   727 642-4677

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