Purchasing Control Reports
- Below reorder point
Expected PO and NI receipts prior to date
(for receiving department) - Expected PO receipts with notes
- Hot list of PO's due before date for planner
- Open PO's detail by suppler name
- Part number activity for last 6 months
- Part vendor data by buyer ID
- Part vendor data by part number
- Part vendor data by vendor ID
- Past due non-inventory PO's
- Past due PO's prior to date
- PO and part notes
- PO receipts detail
- Purchase price variance vs. standard
- Purchase planned orders from MRP explosion
- Purchasing planner action report
- Unconfirmed PO's
- Unused PO numbers
- Vendor address list by vendor ID
- Vendor performance against promise date
Vendor update worksheet
(document to fax to vendors for data review) - Vendor update log (track response from vendors)