Custom Crystal Reports
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Custom Crystal Reports

 Many custom reports can be generated by simply taking one of our Off-the-Shelf reports and modifying it for your use. This eliminates the need to "start from scratch".

Click here to view our time tested off-the-shelf reports.

All custom reports will be quoted on a per report bases. In general, we need to know the following:
  • What data is to be selected (i.e. only purchased parts or due date from date 1 to date 2)
  • What data is to be printed on the report (Part #, description, due date, quantity due, past due flag, etc)
  • How is the data to be sorted (i.e. sort by part number)
  • Are sub-totals required. If so, what fields
  • What grand totals are required, if any.
All custom report quotes include report specification and signoff before report construction begins.

Click here to return to Off-the-shelf reports

Please contact us at:
Phone:    727 642-4677
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