Accounting Procedures & Work Instructions

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Accounting Procedures & Work Instructions

Name Procedures # Pages
ACP02001 Changing standard cost 1
ACP02002 Part number accounting codes 2
ACP02003 Vouchering and posting 1
Name Work Instructions  
ACI02001 Entering credit order 3
ACI02002 Putting customer on credit hold 2
ACI02003 Invoicing customer 2
ACI02004 Performing cost roll-up's 2
ACI02005 Assign stockroom GL account number 2
ACI02006 Assign default GL account number 2
ACI02007 Assign override GL account number 1
ACI02008 Vouchering PO receipts 4
ACI02009 Posting vouchers 2
Name Forms  
ACF02001 Invoice form 1
  Total number of pages  26


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